Friday, August 29, 2008

Summer's Over : Time to focus on the election

We had a rare opportunity to hear John McCain speak on Monday night. His speech was great and he gave Elle such a hearty handshake that JY says had it been Bill Clinton he would have punched him.

The only pics I got were from my phone, so I'm not sure if any of them will be good enough to post.

I FINALLY met John Ziegler, who used to be an evening talk show host on KFI. He has made a documentary called Blocking The Path to 9-11.

You can read about John here. I don't know whether the movie will play locally so I've ordered the DVD.

Blocking the Path to 9-11 will be shown in Orange County on 9-11-08; you can order tickets here.

I had been counting on watching The Path to 9-11 by Cyrus Nowrasteh via DVD since we don't have cable. The DVD release has been delayed by Disney, many think because of pressure from the Clintons. There is a horrifying clip of Harry Reid threatening to pull Disney's broadcast licence for broadcasting the mini series.

Blocking the Path to 9-11 is about the delay in DVD release.

Anyone as excited as me about John McCain's pic for VP? This quote alone from Sarah Palin seals the deal for me:

And your stand on abortion?

I'm pro-life. I'll do all I can to see every baby is created with a future and potential. The legislature should do all it can to protect human life.

Of course, the fact that she is the mother of 5 convinces me she has all the experience necessary in diplomacy.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Summer 2008

I know that technically we have several weeks of summer left, but Jonathon left yesterday, Nate begins school on Wednesday and Alix leaves for Berkely on Saturday, so I officially declare Summer 2008, with all the requisite hand wringing and depression, OVER.

Check out the slideshow to the right of pictures taken and the End Of Summer 2008 BBQ at the Yennys