Tuesday, December 30, 2008

From 2001 on why I voted for W

This interesting. I found this on an old hard drive. I wrote it right after 9-11-2001.

I voted for George W Bush in November 2000 similar to choosing a date for a wedding. You know two guys, and aren’t thrilled with either. One of them, however, is probably nice enough but you know by the end of the night you would be watching your watch and wondering who Jay Leno had on. So you choose the other guy.

I chose George W Bush mainly because I couldn’t bear the thought of listening to Al Gore talking to me like I’m an idiot for four years.

I was also dancing with a more conservative philosophy, but that had nothing to do with why I voted for W. I was voting against Al Gore, and not because I hated him. But the thought of him made me nauseous and listening to him irritated me.

I watched with interest W's speeches. Figured he was a good enough guy. And we got along fine for 9 months. Until 9-11.

On 9-11 my initial reation was not to pray for the victims of the horrible attack; it was to pray for W. I thought, “Good God, give this man the wisdom he needs”. And my next prayer was to thank God that it was W and not Al Gore who was the president. I was not certain W knew what to do, but I knew that Al wouldn’t.

I’m not sure that my prayer was answered. I’m beginning to think W didn’t need any wisdom—he had it all along.  

So it was kind of like less-than-enthusiastically choosing a guy for a date to a wedding, and then years later marrying that guy. And then years and years later being ever so grateful you went on that first date.


Monday, December 8, 2008

A Great Picture!

The above is an official find-the-baby-photo (Lane is way to the right in the arms of a VERY handsome player, Joe is in the back with the trophy). Cade, Cas and Jack are near the front in the bottom right corner.

Mom and dad and Joe at LAX tonight when the mighty victors arrived home to a screaming crowd, cheerleaders, the CSUDH basketball team and, of course, Flanagans to the left and Flanagans to the right. As it should be.

2008 NCAA Soccer Champs! Yeah Toros!

Look close: there's Joe and Lane on the far right, Jack, Cade and Cas down in front! Did you notice that trophy????

3-0 win on Sunday December 7 makes The Mighty Toros the 2008 NCAA champs! Most of the Flanagans watched at Pat and Mike's with mom hiding in the back of the house until the score got to 3-0 and she felt it was safe to watch. Dad never moved from in front of the big screen.

I was in contact with Julie throughout the game via text, we took a picture of all of us in front of the TV and sent it to Julie via cell phone during half time. Maureen in San Francisco, Jonathon in Baltimore and Elle in Pasadena were kept up to date after every goal.

We saw Cade and Jack several times on TV but Cas' exact whereabouts are still a mystery. Joe gave a wonderful interview after the game dedicating the game to J.T., a previous player of Joe's who passed away suddenly and unexpectedly just a few months ago.

Julie is officially the stud of the family; she flew with all four kids on Friday morning for the game against Tampa on Friday night and flew home ahead of Joe early this morning. Did I mention with all four kids? Did I mention alone? With connections? Rumor has it she arrived home earlier today with all four kids but visual confirmation that they are HER kids has not happened.

She'll be back to the airport tonight along with mom and dad, Theresa and girls and Pat to greet Joe and the team coming off the plane.

It was a great weekend that even UCLA's loss couldn't ruin.

Here's a link to the highlights of Friday nights 3-2 win against Tampa. Would love to know who posted on YouTube, Joe and dad would love to see the full game.
