Sunday, May 25, 2008

Jonathon recovering from knee surgery

Above is Jonathon with some fellow mids; Mike (Doughboy), Jonathon's roommate from NMMI, is on the far right.

Here's Jonathon on crutches making his way through downtown Annapolis to see Herndon at USNA. The apartment we rented was in the Historic District and just perfect ... for everyone except Jonathon, who had to negotiate a flight of stairs everytime we had to leave.

This was my view for 2-1/2 hours + as the Plebes attempted to scale Herndon. Which they finally did, largely thanks to the rugby team (sans Jonathon), which was the bottom layer of the pyramid. We were out to dinner with some of the team after the event and were regaled with stories of feet and toenails in the face. There is a nice YouTube movie which a parent put together of the event here; the event was dedicated to a Plebe who died just a week before Herndon.

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