Thursday, March 25, 2010

Benishek for Congress

Following is the text from a fax that I just sent to Congressman Stupak along with a copy of the $25.00 donation I made to Benishek for Congress:

Dear Congressman Stupak:

I attempted to send you an email last week thanking you for your principled stand for life and against President Obama's destructive healthcare bill.

Unfortunately, since I do not reside in your district, the email didn't go through.

Much has changed since last week. I am enclosing a copy of the donation I made to Benishek for Congress. Due the economy times are tough, but I wanted to let you know that this donation to Mr. Benishek is the first of many. I will continue to make a weekly donation to his campaign and do whatever I can to help him defeat you.

If I was still a Democrat my disappointment in you would know no bounds. As I changed my party 10 years ago, you leave me disgusted in my former party and satisfied with my decision to re-register as a Republican.


Anne (Flanagan) Yenny
Monrovia CA

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